Tablet screens allow for a lot of additional visual real-estate, which can be especially useful when scouting GPS maps for new fishing spots. That’s why, after listening to requests from users, FishAngler has made the app iPad compatible with the latest version of the app!

You can now access all of your favorite FishAngler app tools on your iPad device. Whether you’re scouting out the Forecast for an upcoming trip, viewing your personal angler Catch Stats database, or just perusing the Feed, you can now do so with the added benefits of a larger screen.

The Details

You can download the FishAngler app on you iPad by going to the App Store on your iPad device. From there, search for “FishAngler” and tap the “Get” button. Follow instructions for installation, and note that the FishAngler app is entirely FREE. There are no paywalls, no monthly fees, and no hidden charges.


When the app is set up on your tablet, you can login using the same credentials as you use to access FishAngler on your mobile device. All of your user profile, catch information and other data will be automatically synced to your iPad.

Check out the app store on your iPad device to download the FishAngler app for all of the tools and features you love most, but bigger. Much bigger.


Download the FishAngler app now for FREE access to all of our latest features!